Seattle Transportation Levy

2024 Overview

  • For the last 18 years, Seattle voters have supported transportation levies that help to fund the maintenance and improvement of our streets, sidewalks, bridges, and traffic signals. 

  • The current levy expires at the end of 2024 and provides about 30% of the Seattle Department of Transportation’s (SDOT) budget for core services and new projects. 

  • The 2024 Seattle Transportation Levy would fund improvements like paving roads, repairing bridges, planting trees, building sidewalks and crosswalks, making connections to light rail stations and transit, and creating more walking, rolling, and biking routes to places where people live, work, and play. 

  • A Levy Oversight Committee of community members will oversee spending of Transportation Levy dollars to ensure accountability and transparency. SDOT will also publish annual workplans and progress reports to show the public how Transportation Levy dollars are spent.

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