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U District Station Area Mobility Plan

To ensure safe and reliable access to U District Station for all, we needed a coordinated plan that considers how people will safely and comfortably get to the station. To derive a community driven plan that addresses the needs of all those who walk, bike, ride the bus or drive, our project has engaged the U District community in a planning effort to create a holistic, community-driven station area vision with actionable recommendations that address access, safety and livability around the future light rail station.

Our desired outcome is a holistic, multi-modal station area mobility plan for the U District.

We conducted a series of interactive community meetings, online surveys, and other means of outreach during the first part of 2018 to collect community feedback, identify barriers and opportunities, and brainstorm on potential solutions along with representatives from the city and transit agencies. The product of the outreach process is a vision plan released in September of 2018 to guide transportation improvement around U District Station

Guiding Principles

  • Safe, comfortable, reliable access to light rail & buses for all
  • Prioritize walking, biking, and transit near the station
  • Great network of movement through and throughout the U District for every mode
  • Transform right-of-way into active, public open space in the heart of the U District
  • Ensure bus routes have reliable access and convenient transfers
  • Accommodate people of all abilities
  • Maintain short-term car and truck access where most needed and at safe speeds

Why is the plan important?

The University District is undergoing significant changes, with the opening of light rail in 2021, the recently-approved rezone, the pending campus master plan, and other planned infrastructure projects. Our community wants to have a say in shaping how our neighborhood will be transformed.

The plan builds upon existing plans, frameworks, and investigations, such as the U District Urban Design Framework, U District Parks Plan Update, Sound Transit’s U District Station Plan, recently-adopted city and county modal plans, among others.

How to participate and provide feedback?

Subscribe online to receive project updates and an invitation to participate in any community events. Submit comments and questions online to the U District Mobility Group, who manages the project.

Who is the U District Mobility Group?

The U District Mobility Group is a volunteer group who represents the following stakeholders: U District Advocates, Seattle Children’s, University of Washington, U District Partnership, Seattle Neighborhood Greenways, U District Small Businesses, University Park Community Club, University District Community Council, Transportation Choices Coalition, Seattle Department of Transportation, King County Metro, Commute Seattle, Washington Department of Transportation, Sound Transit, Office of Planning & Community Development, and Seattle City Councilmember Rob Johnson.

To facilitate the project, the Mobility Group collaborated with the consultant team combining the strengths of Makers Architecture, Fehr & Peers, and Toole Design Group.

How was the work funded?

The U District Mobility Group originally raised $80,000+ to fund the project from the various contributors below. You may also donate online. U District Mobility is a project of U District Advocates, a 501c3 nonprofit, and donations to the project are tax-deductible.

Funding provided by the Neighborhood Matching Fund from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. The original financial sponsors were: 
Seattle Childrens
U District BIA
City of Seattle
U District Advocates
University of Washington
Sound Transit

Funding provided by the Neighborhood Matching Fund from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods


A special thanks to Elizabeth McCoury, the former CEO of the U District Partnership, for her support of the U District Mobility project. She was a strong advocate for funding from the U District BIA and U District Partnership for this local community outreach effort.

Elizabeth McCoury

Former CEO of U District Partnership

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